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The Pellini Loyalty Club

How the Loyalty Club Works

Discover how your loyalty transforms into remarkable privileges.

Earn While You Shop

With each $1 you spend on Pellini’s
premium fashion, you’ll be rewarded
with one loyalty point for choosing Pellini.

Redeem Rewards

When your loyalty points accumulate
to a total of 50, you can redeem them.
You’ll get a discount of $1
for every 50 points on your purchase.

Silver and Gold Members

Enjoy a 10% discount with Silver Membership for points under 3000, and automatically upgrade to Gold at 3000+ points within 1 year for a 20% discount.

Maintain Your Status

Gold members should aim to collect 3000 points annually to retain their Gold status. Otherwise, they’ll be downgraded to Silver.

Points Expiry

Please keep in mind that all loyalty points become eligible for deduction after a period of two years from the invoice date.

Personal Loyalty

Your Pellini loyalty card is a personalized privilege, designed exclusively for your use and cannot be shared with any other individual.

Inactive Accounts

If you haven’t visited our shops for more
than 2 years, your loyalty card will be
deactivated and removed
from our database.

Redemption Process

To redeem your points, kindly provide your personal ID along with your phone when making a purchase for a smooth process.

Our Loyalty Memberships

Silver Membership - 10% Off

As a Silver Member, you get a 10%
discount when your points are under 3000, and you can redeem them for rewards within two years.

Gold Membership - 20% Off

Upgrade to Gold when you collect 3000+ points
within 1 year, and enjoy 20% off along with the flexibility
to redeem points for rewards within two years.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Pellini Loyalty Program:

How can I join the Pellini Loyalty Program?
A: To join the Pellini Loyalty Program, simply make a purchase at any of our retail stores and request a loyalty card.
What are the benefits of the Silver and Gold Membership levels?

A: Our Silver Membership offers a 10% discount when you accumulate points below 3000.

How do I earn loyalty points with my purchases?
A: For 1 dollar you spend, you earn 50 loyalty points. Whether you shop at our physical stores or online, your purchases contribute to accumulating points on your Pellini Loyalty card.
How can I redeem my loyalty points for discounts?
A: Redeeming your loyalty points is easy. When you’ve collected enough points, simply present your loyalty card during your purchase, and the corresponding discount will be applied to your total. Very soon, you’ll be able to claim your loyalty points when shopping online, too.
Enjoy the rewards of your loyalty with every Pellini shopping experience.

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